To All

To all of those that have fought and exercised your right for freedom due to all humans, alhumdulillah and barakatuhu to you all.  Allah has the world in His hand and we are all a part of it.  Please do not give up hope and do not allow the tyrants to maintain power.  Allah the Just is the enemy of all tyrants, and we as soldiers of Allah are all the enemies of the tyrants, but please let us remember that in this fight we must maintain our internal tawhid and display tawil for the brightness of the day.

Islam: A Religion of Life, Not Death

– Hamza Yusuf


“Answer the call of God and God’s Messenger to what brings you to life.”

– Qur’an




“If I asked for people to die for the sake of God, I would have them lining up at my house; but when I ask people to live for the sake of God, I can’t find anyone.”

– Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah




“Nietzsche, the German philosopher, wrote in The Antichrist that Christianity “cheated us … out of the harvest of the culture of Islam. The wonderful world of the Moorish culture of Spain, really more closely related to us, more congenial to our senses and tastes than Rome and Greece, was trampled down … because it said Yes to life even with the rare and refined luxuries of Moorish life.”


1 Nietzsche’s point was that Islam was more balanced in its attitude (I recognize the reification) toward this world and celebrated it, unlike Christianity, which traditionally was far more focused on being other-worldly to the detriment of people’s experiences in the world.




Why is it that Nietzsche, a leading intellect of the nineteenth century, recognized Islam as a religion that celebrated life, yet so many people today have the opposite view? Perhaps one reason is that Nietzsche lived at a time when the Ottomans still existed and were seen in a relatively good light (emphasis on relatively) by many educated people. Moreover, the Muslim world was still unaffected in its everyday life by the incredible changes that were occurring in the West, and most Muslim countries in the nineteenth century were relatively stable and extremely safe places to visit. A cursory review of Western travel literature to the Muslim world at the time will verify this (see, for instance, Florence Nightingale’s travelogue to Egypt). Muslims had never shied away from the sensual and aesthetic components of life, which re-emerged in the West in spite of Christianity, as Islam was meant to offer a balanced life, and educated Europeans, who were raised with a sense of shame of the senses, were astounded by the celebration of the body and its experiences noted in such places as the hammams and gardens of the Muslim world.



Given this current hatred of Islam and all things Muslim that has arisen, I would argue that Muslims have a great challenge presently to redefine the faith from within here in the West and to stop allowing others who hate us to define it for us. We need to identify enemies out there and allies not to mention potential friends who may appear to be enemies today. Look closely at what they are saying and why. Many of their critiques are the same ones St. John of Damascus articulated in a small chapter on Islam back in the seventh century! We need to also recognize, as Ibn Taymiyyah pointed out in his Jawab al-Sahih, that some Muslims are ignorantly violent in their responses to the critiques of Christians, and this reinforces their very attack on Islam – that it spread by the sword and not by the strength of its Truth.”


“We will show them our signs in the horizon and in themselves until they know it is the Truth.”  -Quran vs 41:53

Liberty on Fire

These are the days we thank Allah for the blessings of the chance of a battle like this that moves us to do what is right and opens the gates of heaven.  The people have spoken, and the word was heard that tyrants are the enemy of Allah the just.  Tyrants that impose their will over the good of their people without a voice for opposition will no longer be heard or met with placid reaction.  The time is now to stand for what is right and just.

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar