Fight for Survival, Won.

This is what we fight for.

This is what we will die for.

This is what we as humans are alive for.

The survival instinct is innate to the living.  It is the very nature of life itself: living.  The living will always want to continue living.  And death, will always want to be dying.  Decay is to death what growth is to life and together, these things are an example of the opposing sides of the same entity.  It is the balanced tension between the poles that is the very energy that moves us forward.  We grow stronger from moving on, we get tougher as we must put strength against what stands before us wishing to be victorious.  But Mercy will always outweigh Wrath and in the hands held the stand best taken is the Gracious and the Compassionate.

Malala is heading home today after surviving a vicious attack that by every right should have killed her.  A miracle that there is such little physical evidence of what this 15 year old young woman has encountered.  A miracle that she is walking and speaking and pledging to continue her fight for education for all.  She is a miracle and a blessing of hope for the world in her life that was saved, she has become an even brighter flame to add to the fire of the new age.  The new age that is 21st Century and beyond.  The Age of the New Humanity.  The Age of the Human Being.  The Age of the Knowledge of the Heart.  The Age of Unity.  The Age of Peace.  This new age that we find ourselves in is one bright and full of aspiration.  New science, new thought, a new golden age where as a species we recognize the book that is our very lives, each of us our own word in the story.  We are the very writing in the story that we call Humanity.  The nations, the chapters, the cloud strewn atmosphere the cover, and we a novel, floating on the bookshelf of the universe.

Malala is a powerful word that speaks to justice.  She has since she was a girl been advocating for education rights for the daughters of Pakistan.  Achieving incredible success attracted a strong opposition in the Taliban.  Those that seek closing over opening had men storm a school bus full of teenage girls and at point blank range shoot a 15 year old in the head.  There is nothing noble, honorable or religious in this.  This is a heinous act of terror and there is no book you can hide behind that would ever make it right.  These cowards that claim themselves to be freedom fighters are the very workings of death perpetrating death and spreading decay like venom from their fanged hatred of life, its other half.  So vicious a struggle, and so many lives it claims.  So much matrimony of despair does it paint in the wind of today and yesterday that our ears are still ringing from the gunshots that don’t stop.  But tomorrow, tomorrow is a different day and Malala is a sign of that.  Her living is a sign that living is to prevail.  Life is to continue living and death to take a back seat, quieting down its outrage that its dominance has come and gone.  We the living shall move forward with our heads held high, hand in hand as brothers and sisters, for peace is what we live for.  Peace is what we will fight for if we must, and peace is what we will die for if so required.  This has always been the golden fight, they call it light and dark, but you can call it anything you like.  Up and down, back and forth, she and he, predator and prey, step and quarter sway.  It is the nature of all things, the division of unity, which is the recognition and statement of self.  All in one and One in all.  To Malala, and all of the living out there whose names we do not know, thank you for your strength, thank you for your fight, and together in the world for which we are striving for, we will meet and talk in peace about the glory of the creation, and the majesty and beauty that lives in all things.  Even in the dying.

Bismillah ar-rahman ir-rahim.

~Mani De Osu