FB17 and the Beating of the Drums

He said, “We are just writing what we see in front of our eyes.”  He said it as if it is the only thing to be done.  The  voice comes from Mohommed Derrija or “Modee” and aside from the bone crushing noise of warfare weaponry , drowning out the pain of the hearts in Misrata tonight is the sound of FB17.  Born on the day of the rebellion and in the spirit of Taqwacore, FB17 is formed of those who see no other option but to fight back through their art.  No, guitars are not bullet proof vests.  Lyrics are not bomb shelters.  Paint may not protect you from rocket launched grenades, but what they will do is give the spirit the strength to continue on.  Music gives the rhythm for the march as it always has but these days we no longer hear trumpets and drumrolls.  These days we have auto-tune and djs.  These days see the 21st Century soldier marching to a hip hop beat and driving a truck with sprawling graffiti saying “Freedom”.  Freedom from the outrageous oppression that has plagued humanity for seemingly it’s entire existence.  Freedom for the right to live well.  Freedom as the beating pulse that moves us all along through these lives that we share.  Freedom to respect and be respected.  Freedom for life.  The spirit of Taqwacore is the spirit that stands against the obsequious forces that wish only to demean, degrade and control.  The spirit of Taqwacore is the way of the futuwwah, the way of the samurai, the way of the troubadour.  The spirit of Taqwacore is the spirit that does not quit in the face of hardship, difficulty or dismay.  It is the spirit that finds within itself the divine light that shines no matter what the praises of the beauty of the creation and in it’s banner cry, the spirit of Taqwacore says Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  FB17 has a style and sound like most American top40 hip hop groups that audibly does not sound as deep as the trauma must be, but none the less they are making their stand through art in the name of God as a praise to the struggle to keep moving forward.

Alhumdulillah that all our brothers and sisters are standing their ground for themselves, for their families and for the world in the name of freedom.
